
April Thomas is a multi-talented entrepreneur. She is the author and writer of a book series called Endurance, which was first published in 2009. She has incredible inspiration and creativity. She has built and designed her website called Endurance9, and still manages to explore her natural gift of designing her own line of Embellish jewelry, costume drawing/sewing, and a passion for photography. April Thomas knows how to tap into a woman’s essence of beauty and imagination. She has also been an advocate in the Native American culture, community, and children.


Get 1on 1 mentoring on how to publish and pre-market your book, by me…

For the past four years, I have written and published nine books. All of my books are self-published by choice. I have made many rookie mistakes, and have struggled through understanding the publishing world, but what I learned is that I never fail, even when I lose. All that I have learned and suffered through I have taken and turned into a formula for success in publishing your first book, and getting those first few sales that are more important than you think.

In this month long course, you will learn the difference between self-publishing and traditional publishing. I have focused this course on self-publishing, however, should you want to traditionally publish, I can point you in the right direction.
Each week we will meet online, and I will teach you how to get your book published and pre-marketed so that, by your release date you will have the sales you need. You will have homework each week, and we encourage you to join our Ascension Artist Group, which will give you the support you need to gain the guaranteed sales you want to give your book the boost that it needs. You will also learn how to contact independent book stores to get your books in front of the decision makers that will make the choice to place your book on their shelves.
You will also learn the importance of a website, blog and social media sites. You have a vision in mind for your book, and I want to see you accomplish it. Let’s go do it! Let’s make history!

You have the option to pay the full amount or to make a deposit and then in 2-weeks you will pay the balance. This is great knowledge that will save you thousands on publishing, and you only need to take this course once.

This is an online course, I will be meeting with you once per week for 2 hours via skype. To get started please contact me directly at 407-289-9326 or email me at endurance9@icloud.com

  1. I wish you all the best in what you do… keep striving for success!
    And thanks for stopping by the lifestylereview the other day.

  2. kathsartcorner

    Thank-you for the visit!!!

  3. kathsartcorner

    Thank-you for the follow!!!

  4. Many thanks for liking my recent post and following my blog. It means the world to me to have such a talented writer following my simple reflections.

  5. Appreciate your like the other day. Thanks…

  6. I’m back to thank you for the follow! Appreciate it. You have a great week also.

  7. Thanks for stopping by my blog and the like! I have been looking around yours and you are a very talented lady!!! I am happy to “meet you”. 🙂 Have a great week!

  8. Thanks for reading the post on the very modest William Shakespeare.

    • I love Shakespeare. I studied his life in school. I’m always more interested in the life of the author more than their works. I admire the passion and commitment to their art.

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